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Health & Wellness
in Personal Enrichment
Saturday Step Class May W25
with Deidre Hutchins
It's back! 45 minutes of non-stop low-impact cardio on the step. It's a great way to start your weekend! All you need to bring is water and lots of energy
Training the Good Samaritan: An Introduction to Harm Reduction and Overdose Response May W25
with Lauren Hunt
MaineGeneral's Harm Reduction Program leads training and conversation on Overdose Response and Narcan Administration. The presentation will begin by discussing what harm reduction means, and what opioids are, before identifying what an opioid overdose looks like. The training will then discuss steps for responding to an overdose, and close with a conversation about the Good Samaritan Law. Attendees are invited to ask any questions and/or share experiences throughout.
Every attendee will be offered a Narcan kit in addition to educational materials to leave the class with
What to Eat to Lose Weight (Online) W25
with Becky Longacre
This online course will teach women in midlife some basic nutrition tricks that will help them boost their metabolism to lose weight by summer. Simple and understandable guidance is given to get them started.
Becky Longacre is a nurse gone health coach with a specialty in weight loss from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She uses her own health journey to empathize and lead clients to better health and life satisfaction through happy, healthy, sustainable weight loss and empowered decision-making.
Walk Off 20 Pounds by Summer (Online) W25
with Becky Longacre
This online course gets you up to walk off your extra body by summer! You do not need to run a marathon to have successful weight loss! I will show you how a little extra movement per day will have tremendous weight loss benefits for you.
Becky Longacre is a nurse gone health coach with a specialty in weight loss from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She uses her own health journey to empathize and lead clients to better health and life satisfaction through happy, healthy, sustainable weight loss and empowered decision-making.
How to Lose Belly Fat (Online) W25
with Becky Longacre
This online course will help women in midlife focus their diet and exercise to lose inches from their waistline by summer. I will show you step by step what I did to lose 6 inches from my belly.
Becky Longacre is a nurse gone health coach with a specialty in weight loss from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She uses her own health journey to empathize and lead clients to better health and life satisfaction through happy, healthy, sustainable weight loss and empowered decision-making.