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Literacy Skills
in Literacy
Outdoor Education W25
with Kelli Gilzow Stowell

Winter outdoor education embraces the magic of Maine winters. Snowshoe, nature journaling, GPS/geocache, and foraging basics through various Augusta city parks. Academic students only.
Literacy Volunteers Tutor Orientation & Training W25
with Virginia Marriner

Learn about Literacy Volunteers and tools and strategies to be an effective Literacy Volunteer Tutor.
Literacy Volunteer Tutor Orientation provides an overview of Literacy Volunteers of Kennebec's structure and organization, the variety of learners served, and the roles and responsibilities of tutors and other volunteers. The Tutor Training provides basic instruction in adult learning principles and strategies for teaching adults in one-on-one situations. The areas of basic reading and writing, English Language Learning, health and financial literacy, digital literacy, and employment skills are reviewed. Participants will practice skills and meet experienced tutors. A resource manual, Tutor Eight Edition, and other resource materials are provided.