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Personal Enrichment
Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People (Online) W25
with Craig Coffman

Will run
Flexible and Mobile Class Apr. W25
with Deidre Hutchins

Do you wake up in the morning with tight/stiff muscles? Do you experience low back pain and decreased mobility in your hips, shoulders, and neck? You know you need to stretch but you're not quite sure what to? If you have answered yes to any of the above, this 45-minute total body stretch class is what you need. It will leave you feeling taller, more limber, and ready to start your day!
How to Dress for Your Body Shape W25
with Candace Sanborn

Learn simple techniques to create the illusion of a slimmer body or more curves! Dressing for illusion is about learning how to wear color, clothing styles, and embellishments to trick the eye into seeing something different on the body than is really there, such as slimmer hips, a flatter stomach, more curves, or a taller, leaner figure. Learn simple techniques to help you look your best! Owner of Radiant Image,
Candace is a personal stylist helping women look and feel good by teaching them how to dress for their clothing, body proportions, and face shape. She specializes in women over 40 and provides her services virtually and at her studio in Auburn, Maine. Candace also offers a variety of interactive, in-person, or virtual group classes for 4-15 people for private groups as well as through local Adult Education programs.
Saturday Step Class Apr. W25
with Deidre Hutchins

It's back! 45 minutes of non-stop low-impact cardio on the step. It's a great way to start your weekend! All you need to bring is water and lots of energy
Best Clothing & Makeup Colors for Your Coloring W25
with Candace Sanborn

Is your closet full of black-colored clothing? Would you like to learn what other colors look good on you? In this fun interactive class, you'll be draped in various colors to learn about warmer and cooler tones and determine what colors look best on you. You'll also receive recommendations for eye shadows, blush, and lipsticks for your coloring so you can combine the two to create a more vibrant you!
Owner of Radiant Image, Candace is a personal stylist helping women look and feel good by teaching them how to dress for their clothing, body proportions, and face shape. She specializes in women over 40 and provides her services virtually and at her studio in Auburn, Maine. Candace also offers a variety of interactive, in-person, or virtual group classes for 4-15 people for private groups as well as through local Adult Education programs.
Literacy Volunteers Tutor Orientation & Training W25
with Virginia Marriner

Maine Driving Dynamics W25
with Chantel Plummer

The Maine Driving Dynamics course is a driver improvement course that is designed to improve a student's defensive driving awareness. This five-hour course includes a discussion of collision avoidance techniques, safety issues, driver habits and attitudes, and the basic elements that constantly challenge drivers on Maine's highways. You must attend both classes to receive credit.
Training the Good Samaritan: An Introduction to Harm Reduction and Overdose Response Apr. W25
with Lauren Hunt

MaineGeneral's Harm Reduction Program leads training and conversation on Overdose Response and Narcan Administration. The presentation will begin by discussing what harm reduction means, and what opioids are, before identifying what an opioid overdose looks like. The training will then discuss steps for responding to an overdose, and close with a conversation about the Good Samaritan Law. Attendees are invited to ask any questions and/or share experiences throughout.
Every attendee will be offered a Narcan kit in addition to educational materials to leave the class with