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Personal Enrichment
How to Lose 20 Pounds in 20 Weeks (Online) W25
with Becky Longacre
Saturday Step Class May W25
with Deidre Hutchins
It's back! 45 minutes of non-stop low-impact cardio on the step. It's a great way to start your weekend! All you need to bring is water and lots of energy
How to Play by Ear (Online) W25
with Craig Coffman
Learn one of music's deepest mysteries: how to play songs without relying on music. A practical presentation of music theory that includes predicting chord progressions, learning from recordings, and transposing all expressed in everyday language. This is an ideal follow-up to the Instant Piano class and is open to anyone who has a basic understanding of chords. Expand your musical horizons, free yourself from sheet music dependence, and be the life of the party! Prior experience with chords is recommended. The fee includes the online book, online follow-up lessons, a recording of the class, and an optional monthly question-and-answer session. Class is held online using Zoom.
Cardmaking with Lorna May W25
with Lorna Plourde
Make four handmade cards and learn new techniques and fun folds. All embellishments and envelopes are included. You will go home with instructions for the cards you made in class. With every class is a special door prize.
How to Make an Owner's Manual for Your House May W25
with Colin McCullough
All large purchases come with an owner's manual, so what about your house? In this class, we'll learn the steps to create an owner's manual for your house, including the mechanical systems, maintenance schedules, interior & exterior surfaces, etc., all organized into a binder with photos. Learn about your home and how to keep it running in top condition!
Colin McCullough is the owner of All-Around Home Performance, working as an independent energy auditor, and provides the service of creating owner's manuals for houses. Colin lives in Farmingdale in a 1915 house where he is working to make a net-zero energy house, and he is a BPI-certified building science trainer/proctor teaching at SMCC and KVCC.
Training the Good Samaritan: An Introduction to Harm Reduction and Overdose Response May W25
with Lauren Hunt
MaineGeneral's Harm Reduction Program leads training and conversation on Overdose Response and Narcan Administration. The presentation will begin by discussing what harm reduction means, and what opioids are, before identifying what an opioid overdose looks like. The training will then discuss steps for responding to an overdose, and close with a conversation about the Good Samaritan Law. Attendees are invited to ask any questions and/or share experiences throughout.
Every attendee will be offered a Narcan kit in addition to educational materials to leave the class with
Put Your House on an Energy Diet May W25
with Colin McCullough
How do you reduce heating costs while making your house more comfortable? Learn tips & tricks from an independent home energy auditor bring your questions about insulation, heat pumps, solar panels, etc. as we learn about common home issues and ways to save on energy bills!
Colin McCullough is the owner of All-Around Home Performance, working as an independent energy auditor, and provides the service of creating owner's manuals for houses. Colin lives in Farmingdale in a 1915 house where he is working to make a net-zero energy house, and he is a BPI-certified building science trainer/proctor teaching at SMCC and KVCC.
What to Eat to Lose Weight (Online) W25
with Becky Longacre
This online course will teach women in midlife some basic nutrition tricks that will help them boost their metabolism to lose weight by summer. Simple and understandable guidance is given to get them started.
Becky Longacre is a nurse gone health coach with a specialty in weight loss from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She uses her own health journey to empathize and lead clients to better health and life satisfaction through happy, healthy, sustainable weight loss and empowered decision-making.